I just pushed version of the NRConfig.Tool NuGet package and the associated project site – the binary is also available as a direct download.
Only two changes:
- A fix for nested types showing duplicate method signatures in the output XML file
- Introduction of the /w flag for wildcard matching of type names to be included in the New Relic custom instrumentation file
The /w switch is pretty straightforward – specify one or more wildcard filter strings that identify types to be included in the output file. So, if we had a project using the Repository pattern we could instrument the public methods of all of our concrete repositories:
nrconfig /i MyAssy.dll /f methods+ /w *Repository
which would match any type whose full name ends with Repository. Or we could instrument types in a specific namespace:
nrconfig /i MyAssy.dll /f methods+ /w MyAssy.Utils.* MyAssy.Controller.*
or limit ourselves to specific types:
nrconfig /i MyAssy.dll /f methods+ /w MyAssy.Controller.HomeController