nrconfig – Automatically generating custom instrumentation configuration files for NewRelic with .NET

New Relic’s a pretty good monitoring service and its support for .NET is pretty good – both integrated instrumentation and support for custom runtime metrics.

However, configuring custom instrumentation gets frustrating if you have to instrument more than a handful of methods:

  • You need to specify each method to be instrumented down to the parameter list (if you have method overloads) – this is something of a time vampire
  • There’s no way of saying ‘just instrument everything in this class for me’
  • There’s no link in Visual Studio between the instrumentation config file and your code – refactoring breaks your instrumentation silently

To help, I’ve written a build-time tool that post-processes .NET assemblies and generates custom instrumentation files for NewRelic very quickly. It’s available on NuGet as two packages:

It’s got a GitHub project page that contains documentation and use-cases.

It’s got two modes:

Coarse-grained filtering on the command-line – no code changes required

Here we’re assuming that we don’t want to (or can’t) change the source of the projects we want to appear in the configuration file. The tool has a mode that does a more freestyle reflection over assemblies and generates instrumentation entries for every method (or constructor or property) that matches some very coarse criteria – it’s not perfect, but it’s intended to quickly bootstrap the instrumentation process with a file that can be manually tailored.

The workflow’s very simple:

  • Run the tool, specifying which code elements should be instrumented
    • One or more of {all, constructors, properties, methods}
    • Append + or – to the end of each class of code element to specify inclusion of public (+) or non-public (-) members
    • Use them in combination – for example, methods+- properties+ constructors+ will generate a configuration file to instrument all methods (public or otherwise), and public constructors and public properties
  • Either use the configuration file straight-off, or adjust it manually

Marking up your code with attributes

Need more control? The most fine-grained way to use the tool is to mark up assemblies, classes or methods (with properties and constructors also supported) with an [Instrument] attribute.

  • If you mark up an assembly with the attribute, it’s assumed you want to instrument every method in every class in that assembly – heavy handed but brutally straightforward
  • If you mark up a class with the attribute, it’s assumed you want to instrument every method in that class, and every method in any nested classes
  • You can limit the scope of the attribute to constructors, methods or properties (or combinations thereof), and to public and non-public members in each case

The workflow is still pretty straightforward:

  • Mark up your assemblies, classes or methods with [Instrument] attributes as required
  • Run the tool as a post-build step – it reflects over the assemblies and generates an appropriate custom instrumentation file

Download and Documentation

Binaries are available on NuGet – first, the tool itself (which can then be referred to as ‘nrconfig.exe’:

PM> Install-Package NRConfig.Tool

Then, optionally, the library that contains the [Instrument] attribute that can mark up assemblies, classes and methods:

PM> Install-Package NRConfig.Library

You can also download the tool and optional the library directly.

Documentation is available on the nrconfig GitHub page. Source is available at


New Relic’s instrumenting profiler has some limitations with respect to generics and the tool can’t do much about them:

  • It doesn’t appear possible to specify that a particular method overload should be instrumented if that method overload takes an instance of a generic class as a parameter and the generic class is itself parameterised by more than one type parameter. For example, IEnumerable<string> is fine, but IDictionary<string, string> isn’t as it has two type parameters.
    • The tool handles this by generating an instrumentation entry for all methods with the same name in the same class when a complex (i.e. >= 2 generic type parameters) generic type is detected – it means some methods get instrumented when you don’t want them to, but appears at present to be the only way to get instrumentation to work
  • It’s not possible to instrument generic classes at all.


This project has nothing to do with New Relic the company – it’s neither supported nor sanctioned by them, so if it breaks come crying to me and not the nice folks on their support desk.

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